Life.  Some see it as a randomly assigned smattering of days with no purpose.  Others believe in divine appointments they rarely keep.  For most, ordinary.  But it doesn't have to be.   What if we dared to go the narrow way? Join me in taking THE FAITH DARE.

Caution: Participating in this challenge might force you to give up some of the things (people?) dearest to you. This challenge could change your life.  Join at your own risk.

Friday, June 4, 2010

FAITHdare #14: Revisited

What did God teach you about pride and humility this week? Please share!

1 comment:

  1. "Humility is not a feeling or an emotion. Rather, it requires a choice, an act of the will. Further, this choice is not primarily a onetime experience, though there may be profound and life-changing spiritual turning points in our lives. True humility is an ongoing, constant way of life. True humility is a lifestyle-a moment-by- moment lifestyle of agreeing with God about the true condition of my heart and life- not as everyone else thinks it is but as He knows it to be." Nance Leigh DeMoss.
    From the moment God saved me I saw what a proud person I am, and still am. This is my thorn in the flesh, I have asked God to take it, but I know He wont, because I relay on God so much because of it. This week God showed me that what matters most is how He sees me my heart, not how others see it. He is my creator, He is my Savior, and He is my All. He knows my every thought all of my motives, He knows my heart.
    I allow my thoughts to consume me through out most of my day, wanting to know if I do things wrong, if I say the right thing, if I give the right answer and so on. That is my pride. I compare myself with others alot. That is also my pride. I judge people rather quickly, that is pride. So this week every morning I prayed "God use me today." And Oh boy did He! Some days it was to pray with a friend, others was to just listen to someone on the phone about their stressful day, another to go buy clothes for a friend and her foster children.
    All those things were not planned, it was out my "own time" (that sounds kind of ridiculous when I write it down), but its a choice, I was the one that prayed for things like, I was humble by God through out this whole week, because God was showing me that first of all, it is not "my time", they are just "my friends", and do I really mean what I pray for? That humble me the most! It was my choice to pray for that, my choice to be obedient, God just answer my prayer, and what a Great God we serve! I am going to finish my little paragraph here by this quote by Nancy that I just love about humility and brokenness, but before I do, please remember, Jesus was the perfect example of what humility looks like. My prayer for myself is that I can someday can come just come close to that. Not my will God, but yours be done.
    "The broken person has no confidence in his own righteousness or his own works, bu he is cast in total dependence upon the grace of God working in and through him."Nancy Leigh DeMoss
