Life.  Some see it as a randomly assigned smattering of days with no purpose.  Others believe in divine appointments they rarely keep.  For most, ordinary.  But it doesn't have to be.   What if we dared to go the narrow way? Join me in taking THE FAITH DARE.

Caution: Participating in this challenge might force you to give up some of the things (people?) dearest to you. This challenge could change your life.  Join at your own risk.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

FAITHdare #15: Revisited

"I stopped the day I found out..."

I have mentioned in the past that I recently started volunteering at the local crises pregnancy center. Through my time there, God has shattered my mirror. You see, pride is sinfully selfish. It is the human problem. It starts before we even know what it's called...

And it takes a God-sized miracle to replace it with humility.

I have been humbled by my interactions with these beautiful girls that walk through our doors at the center. I was almost brought to tears when a girl told me she stopped smoking the day she found out she was pregnant. Not a big deal? It is when she explained that she NEVER wanted to have kids and sobbed when the doctor told her the news...

She was humbly and unselfishly loving a baby she never wanted in the first place.

I was so proud of her. And I think that kind of pride is okay

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